Jake's Place

Hello, My name is Jake. In some spaces I also use Windy!

The name "Windy" comes from my first, and current gamertag on Xbox, WindwardEnd19.

I take interest in cars, such as my 1993 Volvo 240 Wagon
additionally I love games, mostly PC and older games, movies and especially music.

There is plenty of interactable "ads" that you can explore on this page!! Plus, all my blinkies reflect my interests...

there are some hidden links too...

Take a look around!

Some games I enjoy on PC includes Dark Souls 3, Team Fortress 2, Dead by Daylight, Starbound and the Stalker series in no particular order!

Some older games I enjoy include any rockstar game on the PS2 including Max Payne and Manhunt, I also love Banjo Kazooie on the N64!

In terms of movies, some of my favorites are Ponyo, World War Z, The Shining, Fight Club, The Thing, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2!!

I will have a separate page for music because there is WAAAAY too much